FRIDAY, JUNE 4TH @ 10:30 A.M.
DIRECTIONS: From Richmond, take Hwy 52 East toward Irvine, approximately 3.5 miles to Hwy 374/Charlie Norris Rd. Proceed 9/10 mile and turn right on Moberly Rd. Auction signs are posted.
Ms. Fugate has been a collector for over 60 years and is relocating. She has authorized our firm to sell this fine collection.
Exmark zero turn mower w/ 72” cut ~ cherry corner cupboard ~ curio cabinet ~ 2 upholstered Victorian chairs ~ several old hand stitched quilts ~ old cast iron banks ~ dairy churn ~ set of Franciscan dishes ~ jewelry chest ~ vintage tea cart ~ small antique buffet ~ hull vase ~ Martha Washington oak dresser base ~ 2 ornate side chairs ~ antique spring wheel ~ glass top coffee table ~ wall and mantle clocks ~ lamps ~ antique coffee grinder ~ nice queen size poster bed ~ matching dresser w/ wall mirror ~ entertainment center w/ drawers ~ oak desk ~ hundreds of rods and reels, many high quality ~ oak cabinet ~ walnut washstand w/ marble top and mirror ~ nice gas fireplace ~ dressing curtain ~ old casket candle light ~ jewel tea pitcher ~ crocks ~ cream cans ~ cast iron kettle w/ hanger ~ wagon wheels ~ Troy Bilt power mower ~ numerous hand and garden tools ~ cast iron skillets, griddle, etc. ~ tobacco and corn planters ~ hand crafted magazine racks ~ oak bookcases ~ concrete lawn décor ~ large armoire w/ shelving ~ large armoire entertainment center ~ aluminum extension ladder ~ Yard Machine 3.5 hp edger ~ dual axle trailer w/ ramp and new floor ~ Pride motorized wheelchair ~ large collection of saws of all types ~ cobalt blue items ~ bear trap ~ several tarps ~ floor model radio ~ cast iron book ends ~ Satsuma china items ~ oak kitchen table w/ marble tope, like new plus much more.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: We are honored to have assisted Ms. Fugate in the sale of her home and look forward to offering you the opportunity to buy her collection at absolute auction. We will be conducting 2 auction rings most of the day.
BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 10% Buyer’s Premium will be added to the winning bid to determine the final sale price.
TERMS: Payment in full due day of sale in the form of cash, check, Visa or MasterCard with an additional 3% processing fee ($3 minimum).
Notice: In accordance with the CDC and to protect our customers and staff, we would like to encourage the maintaining of social distancing and recommend wearing facial covering at our auction site to further prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Danny Ford, Auctioneer
TERMS: Payment in full due day of sale in the form of cash, check, Visa or MasterCard with an additional 3% processing fee ($3 minimum).
Notice: In accordance with the CDC and to protect our customers and staff, we would like to encourage the maintaining of social distancing and recommend wearing facial covering at our auction site to further prevent the spread of Covid-19.