Absolute Auction of
Mrs. Elizabeth Young’s and the Late Mr. Wayne Young’s
House, Commercial Building and 18 Acres m/l
Tools and Personal Property
Saturday, June 9th, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
10833 Battlefield Memorial Hwy (Big Hill Road), Berea, KY
Location: From the Intersection of Hwy 421 and 21, turn right on Hwy 421 (toward McKee) and proceed 6/10 of a mile (on the left). Auction signs are posted.
Mrs. Young is moving to be near her son and has authorized our firm to sell her real estate for the high dollar.
This immaculate brick and vinyl house offers a floor plan of four bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, kitchen/dining room, large living room and den. Other amenities include: range, refrigerator, large front porch, city water, metal roof. The home is situated on 18 acres more or less and is well landscaped with a concrete drive.
The property is further improved with a commercial building formerly used as a store. The building is a concrete block structure with an addition and attached shed. A portion of the building is a finished display area and the rest is a workshop. It offers a concrete floor, restroom, metal roof and parking area.
Personal Property that will be selling include: Two Pc. Oak Bedroom suite – Low-boy Dresser with Large Beveled-edge Mirror and Full Size Ornate Oak Bed ~ Cherry Table and Four Chairs ~ Cherry Claw and Ball Scalloped Edge Table ~ Two Oak Entertainment Centers ~ Oak Dresser with Beveled-edge Mirror ~ Oak Pedestal Table and Four Chairs ~ Ball and Claw Foot Square Table ~ 5 Drawer Oak Chest of Drawers ~ Ornate Cherry Settee ~ Oak Dresser with Mirror ~ Three Drawer Cherry Stand ~ Dresser with Mirror ~ Oak End Table ~ Stand Table ~ Table Lamp ~ Half Bed ~ Wash Stand ~ Two Crock Churns ~ Square Walnut Tables ~ Wall Mirror ~ Several Framed Prints ~ Floor Model Radio ~ Ansonia Mantle Clock ~ Several Figurines and What-nots ~ Sewing Machine Cabinet (no machine) ~ Horizontal Air Compressor ~ Metal Shelving ~ Cherry Picker ~ Bench Grinder ~ Trolling Motors ~ Western Saddle ~ Window Air Conditioners ~ Large Green Cart ~ and much more
Auctioneer’s Note: If you are looking for a home and acreage with a multi-purpose commercial building, then look no further. This is an ideal small farm for someone. Bid last and buy at this absolute auction.
TERMS: Real Estate: 20% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Personal Property and Tools: Cash or check in full day of sale. Mastercard or Visa accepted with processing fee on the personal property.
Announcements day of sale take precedence over printer matter.
For additional information, contact the selling agents.
Personal Property: Cash or check in full day of sale. MasterCard or Visa accepted with processing fee.