Absolute Estate Auction of
The Late Mr. and Mrs. Lester Abney’s Heirs
89 Acres Farm m/l in Tracts ~ Farm Machinery
Saturday, April 28th, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
Near Renfro Valley and Overlooking Lake Linville
272 Calico Lane, Brodhead, Ky
Directions: From Mt. Vernon, turn off US 25 in
Renfro Valley onto Lake Linville Road. Follow Lake Linville Road past the boat dock to the VFW Club. Turn left at the VFW Club and go approx. ½ mile to Calico Lane. From Brodhead, turn onto Hwy 1505 next to the fire department. Continue on 1505 approx 2 ½ miles to Mt. Zion Church Road. Turn onto Mt. Zion Church Road and follow to Calico Lane. Watch for Auction Signs.
In order to settle the estate of the Late Mr. and Mrs. Lester Abney, the heirs have authorized our firm to sell this well located farm and farm machinery for the absolute high dollar.
MULTI-PARCEL AUCTION: The property will be offered in two tracts utilizing the multi-parcel method and selling in the manner that reflects the best returns for the sellers. This concept gives each and every prospective buyer the ability to purchase his or her individual tract or combination.
This highly desirable farm contains 89 acres more or less of mostly crop and pasture land with a few acres of woods. The farm is improved with a concrete block house, barn and shop on Tract 9 and two hay sheds on Tract 1. Tracts 9 through 12 each
offer a view of Lake Linville.
Tract 1: 7.996 acres Tract 7: 10.130 acres
Tract 2: 14.371 acres Tract 8: 3.905 acres
Tract 3: 9.451 acres Tract 9: 9.837 acres
Tract 4: 9.235 acres Tract10: 1.736 acres
Tract 5: 10.691 acres Tract11: 1.020 Acres
Tract 6: 10.333 acres Tract12: 1.609 Acres
FARM MACHINERY: 4020 John Deere Diesel Tractor ~ 2030 John Deere Tractor with Canopy ~ Farmall Super C Tractor ~ New Holland 478 Haybine ~ New Holland 477 Haybine ~ Bush Hog Brand Post Hole Digger ~ Walton Four Basket Hay Tetter ~ Allis Chalmers Two Row Corn Planter – 3 Pt Hitch ~ Two Row Tobacco Setter ~ Running Gear ~ Century 3 Pt 100 Gallon Boom Spray ~ Two Hay Wagons ~ 100 Gallon Air Compressor – 220 V ~ Tobacco Stick Sharpener ~ Hay Rake ~ 6 ft Tiller ~ Two Bottom 16 in Plows ~ Three Bottom 16 in John Deere 1250 Plows ~ 3 Pt Herd Seed Sower ~ Hay Loader (70 Bales Per Load) ~ John Deere 336 Square Baler ~ New Idea One Row Corn Picker
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: What a great opportunity to purchase prime land near the lake plus some of the most productive farm land in the county. If you’re a small or big-time farmer or looking for land near the lake, this is it! Bid last and own it!
NOTE: The purchaser of a single-family residence built before 1978 has a maximum of 10 days to inspect the property for the presence of lead-based paint. The period for inspection begins April 18th through April 27th. The successful bidder must sign a waiver of the 10-day post sale inspection period.
ORDER OF SALE: The real estate will sell first, followed by the farm machinery.
TERMS: Real estate: 20% down day of sale (Cash or check), balance in 30 days. Farm Machinery: Cash or check in full day of sale. MasterCard or Visa will also be accepted on the machinery with a processing fee.
Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed
For additional information, contact the selling agents.