Silver Star FarmsLLC’s
52 Acre Farm inTracts
Truck, Tractor,Farm Equipment
And PersonalProperty
Saturday, May 25th,2013 at 10:30 a.m.
Silver Star Road – Somerset
Directions: Turnoff Old Hwy 461 (near the Jack Shack) and go to the bottom of the hill and turnleft onto Elrod Road. Proceed 2/10 milesto Silverstar Road and turn right. Proceed to the auction. Auctionsigns are posted.
The owner of this farm resides outof state and no longer has need for this property. He has authorized our firm to offer thisproperty and equipment at absolute auction.
Tract #1 has a total of 12.24acres. This tract is improved with acattle barn measuring approximately 44’x 33’. This tract is mostly cleared with a small amount of woodland.
Tract #2 measures 1.50 acres andwould be an excellent tract for a cattle/horse operation. The main barn measures approximately 120’x40’and is fully insulated and vented. Italso has a full bath and 1/3 of the barn is concrete There is a storage room, officearea, and a covered attached porch (10’x40’).
Tract #3 is improved with a 80’x30’ft barn and has a total of 12.31 acres. This tract is all cleared and is mostly fenced.
Tract #4 through Tract #7 measure1.72 to 2.29 acres. These tracts frontSilver Star Road and would be ideal building tracts with that additionalspace. They offer great farm views!
Tract #8 is a combination ofcleared land and woodland. This 18.07acres of land offers tranquil settings along the creek running through the backof this tract. This tract would be idealfor either farming, camping, hunting or just relaxing in one of the mostserence spots in the county.
VEHICLE: 2003 MODELF350 Ford truck, power stroke, V8 turbo diesel, 4 door, flatbed dully-5 speed,4x4 with 114,684 miles
TRACTOR – Kubota M7040 tractor, 4x4 with cab and front endloader, model LA 1153 with hydraulic lines, 326 hours
FARM MACHINERY: LandPride heavy duty rotary mower, 8 ft * Priefert ranch equipment head catcherautomatic and manual * Priefert cattle handling facility * hay spear * haychute* True test cattle scales (like new) * Back pack spray * 25 gallon batterysprayer * 50 gallon 3 point hitch spray * rock rake * 3 pt hitch seeder * wheelbarrow * pressure washer * battery jump box * Cattle tags and banding supplies* Field mast post hole digger * 300 gallon Rubbermaid cattle water * feedtroughts * bucket hay spear * creek feeder * drain pipe * floor jack * chains *chain saws * Weedeaters * grinder * various gardent tools * aluminum wheels * varioushand tools and farm supplies * Fiberglass electric fence post * gate * electric fence charer * solar fencecharger * lumber * 25 +/- round hay bales * tool box
PERSONAL PROPERTY: GEstove * GE refrigerator * GE dishwasher * May tag washer and dryer * antiquebrass bed * metal shelves * cleaning supplies * desk * metal cabinet * mirror *office chair * dorm size fridge * grinder * gas grills (one Webber gas grill) *plus various other items.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Country living at it’s best and some of the most beautiful viewsavailable! These small tracts are hardto find! Choose the tract that best fitsyour needs or you may choose to purchase the entire farm of 52.08 Acres! Make plans now to attend this absoluteauction on May 25th, 2013.
TERMS: RealEstate: 20% deposit the day of theauction with the balance due in 30 days. Truck, Tractor & Equipment: These items must be paid for in full the dayof the auction. We will accept cash,check, VISA/Mastercard in full. Allcredit sales are subject to a 3% processing fee.
NOTE: This will be amulti-parcel absolute auction, giving each and every prospective purchaser theability to purchase any or all tracts or combination of tracts.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believedto be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for thebidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the informationcontained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is” condition with no warrantiesexpress or implied.
For additional information contact the auctioneers at606-679-2212 or log onto our website at www.fordbrothersinc.com.
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedenceover printed matter.
NOTE: This will be a multi-parcel absolute auction, giving each and every prospective purchaser the ability to purchase any or all tracts or combination of tracts. <br>
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is” condition with no warranties express or implied. <br>
For additional information contact the auctioneers at 606-679-2212 or log onto our website at www.fordbrothersinc.com. <br>
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter.