80 Acre Farm, House, Barns & Personal Property @ Absolute Auction

80 Acre Farm, House, Barns & Personal Property @ Absolute Auction featured photo 1
80 Acre Farm, House, Barns & Personal Property @ Absolute Auction featured photo 2

10/03/2015 Saturday, October 3rd at 10:30 a.m.


14314 Hwy 1247 Waynesburg, KY 40489


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This farm (80 acres) is located between Eubank and Stanford. These versatile tracts not only offer great pasture fields but has marketable timber, home and baby farm sites. Plan to attend this absolute auction on the morning of October 3rd at 10:30 a.m. There is a wide variety of farm equipment and personal property. Plan on spending the day with us!

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