Absolute Estate Auction
Of the Late James & Bernice Price's
Tractor, Equipment & Personal Property
Saturday, August 16th at 10:30 a.m.
2195 Old Bull Road – Eubank, KY
Directions: Take North Hwy 39 approximately 8 miles and turn left onto Old Bull Road. Proceed approximately 3 miles to the auction. Auction signs are posted.
In order to settle the estate of the late Mr. & Mrs. Price, their heirs have authorized our firm to offer this equipment and personal items at absolute auction.
TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT: 255 Massey Ferguson (4490 Hours)* L2850 Kubota Tractor (4WD)* 20 Foot Gooseneck Flatbed * Two Flatbed Wagon* New Holland 273 Square Baler* New Holland Hay Bine* Cultipacker * 3 Point Boom Pole * Sprayer* Disc* Box Grader* Air Compressor* Lumber* Table Saw* Vise* Paint Sprayer* Two Warmer Stoves* Tools* Massey Harris Drill* Hay Elevator* Drill Press* Snapper Riding Mower* Troy Bilt Tiller* Weedeater* MANY MORE ITEMS, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION!
PERSONAL PROPERTY: China Hutch * Entertainment Center * Couch and Love Seat with Chair * Two Reclining Chairs * Antique Table * End Tables * Matching Barstools * Maple Table and 4 Chairs * Various Lamps * Curio Cabinet* Cedar Chest* Quilt Rack* Antique Rocker* Bed* Sewing Machine*Bedroom Suite (chest, dresser, bed)*Four Piece Bedroom Suite (dresser, mirror, chest, small table)* Ladder Back Chair* Bookcase* Rainbow Vacuum* China Dishes* Town Craft Cookware* Microwave* Floor Lamp* Rugs* Vases* Quilts* Linens* Towels* Figurines* Prints* Old Crocks* Steamer Vacuum* Chest Freezer* Pressure Washer* Sewing Machine Treadle* Green Jars* Cast Iron Kettles* Two Canners* Old Trunk* AND MANY MORE ITEMS!
AUCTIONEERS NOTE Quality equipment, Antiques and so much more at this Absolute Estate Auction! You will not want to miss.
TERMS: These items must be paid for in full the day of the auction. We will accept cash, check or VISA/Mastercard in full. All credit sales are subject to a 3% processing fee.
Auctioneer/Broker/Seller Disclaimer: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The properties are selling in their ‘as-is’ condition with no warranties expressed or implied.
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter.
For additional information, contact the auctioneers.