Of The Eliza Brown Estate
Friday June 7th , 2013
Absolute Auction #1
Brick Home, 2009 Toyota Camry & Personal Property - Friday, June 7th at 1:30p.m.
Directions: Take Hwy. 27 South to Hyundai and turn left. Proceed 1/10 miles and turn right at first street, which is Oak. tThe property is the last house on the right.
In order to settle the Eliza Brown Estate, the sellers have authorized our firm to sell this property at Absolute Auction.
This all brick home has living room, eat in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and a utility area. There is also a full basement, spacious garage, covered porch, metal roof, ceiling cable heat and central air.
Vehicle: Black 2009 Toyota Camry LE 21,500 miles Extra good shape very clean
Personal Property: Couch, Recliner, Organ, TV’s, lamps, washer & dryer, Fischer stove, kitchen table with hutch, Jim Beam Whiskey decanters ,bar stools lawn chairs crock pot cast iron, quilts, glassware, china, blonde bedroom suite, bedroom room suite, retro bed, garden & hand tools, new shoes, cookie jars, vacuums, picnic table, plus much, more! Come Spend the day with us!!
NOTE: The purchaser of a single- family residence built before 1978 has a maximum of 10 days to inspect the property for the presence of lead base paint. The period of inspection begins May 28th, 2013 to June 6th, 2013. All bidders must sign a waiver of the 10-day post sale inspection period.
TERMS: Real Estate: 20% down the day of the auction with the balance due in full within 30 days. Car must be paid for in full day of the auction. Personal Property items must be paid for in full the day of the auction. We will accept check, cash, or VISA/MasterCard. Credit sales are subject to a 3% processing fee.
Note: No Buyers Premium on House or Car
Note: 10% Buyers Premium on All Personal Property.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is” condition with no warranties express or implied.
For additional information or plat copy, contact the auctioneers at 606-679-2212.
Announcements made the day of the auction, take precedence over printed matter.
Absolute Auction #2
Absolute Online Only of Guns Bidding Ends June 7th at Approximately 4:00p.m.
Preview and Location: Guns may be previewed at the location of Auction #2 (205 Oak Street) from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on June 7th.
Pickup and payment: Guns must be paid for in full at the time of pickup. Guns must be picked up at the office of Ford Brothers, Inc.
Browning 20 Gauge Single Shot
Tula Double Barrel 12 Gauge
Remington Model H70 12 Gauge
Colt Detective Special Revolver
Smith & Wesson 38 Revolver with Case
TERMS: Real Estate: 20% down the day of the auction with the balance due in full within 30 days. Personal Property items must be paid for in full the day of the auction. We will accept check, cash, or VISA/MasterCard. <br>
Note: No Buyers Premium on House or Car<br>
Note: 10% Buyers Premium on All Personal Property.<br>
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is” condition with no warranties express or implied.
Under Contract: Yes