Of Mr. & Mrs.Gregory Burkett’s
Log House, Barn and15.95 Acres in Tracts
Farm Machinery &Equipment
Saturday, June 8th at1:30 p.m.
259 Burkett Drive
Somerset, Kentucky
Location: Turn offEast Hwy 80 onto Hwy 39. Follow Hwy 39to Nelson Valley Road and turn left. Take Nelson Valley Road approximately 2 ½ miles and turn right ontoBurkett Drive. Auction signs are posted.
Mr. &Mrs. Burkett are relocating and have authorized our firm to offer this loghouse and acreage for the absolute high dollar.
Tract #1and Tract #2 measuer 1.68 and 1.79 acres respectively. These mostly cleared tracts would beexcellent home sites having that little bit of elbow room.
Tract #3consists of 5.41 acres. This tract is acombination of pasture and woodland. Excellent baby farm site or a great addition to any tract for addedacreage.
Tract #4 measures.78 acres. Improved with this log cabinstyle home which features living room, kitchen with stove refrigerstor,dishwasher and microwave, separate dining room, 3 bedrooms, a full bath withutility area. It also has a full unfinishedwalkout basement, an attached garage, and front porch. The property has well water with city wateravailable at the property line. There is also a machinery shed on this tract.
Tract #5,being the largest of the tracts, measures 6.29 acres. This tract is also a combination of clearedand woodland. Excellent tract for a homesite in a secluded site. This tract isimproved with a metal barn with concrete flooring in the middle, overheadgarage door and two attached sheds.
FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT: New Holland 16’ wagon * 10’cultipacker * 6” Bench Grinder * 2 bottom plow * cultivator * set of racks for16’ trailer * 55 gallon diese barrel with hand pump * gas powered waterpump * yardsweeper * anvil * Grizzly 10” table saw, 1/12 HP * Craftsman 10” radial saw, 2½ HP * Craftsman 10” table saw, 2 ½ HP * vertical or horizontal band saw *Delta 12” portal planer * Dremel 16” variable speed scroll saw * potato plow *lay-off plow * carry all * magnifying glass on stand * plus various otheritems.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Thisideal acreage is mostly fenced (some new fencing) and would be an excellentlocation for a small farm (spring on property) and also has several great homesites! Please join us on the afternoonof Saturday, June 8th at 1:30 for this absolute auction.
TERMS: 20% down theday of the auction, with the balance due in full within 30 days for the realestate. The personal property items mustbe paid for in full the day of the auction. We will accept cash, check or VISA/Mastercard. All credit sales are subject to a 3%processing fee.
Note: This is anabsolute multi-parcel absolute auction, giving each and every prospectivepurchaser the ability to purchase any or all tracts or combination of tracts.
Note: The purchaser of a single-family residencebuilt before 1978 has a period of ten days to inspect the property for the presenceof lead based paint. The inspectionperiod is May 28th through June 7th. Thesuccessful bidder must sign a waiver of the 10-day post-inspection period.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believedto be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for thebidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine theinformation contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its as-iscondition with no warranties expressed or implied.
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedenceover printed matter.
For additional information or appointment to see theproperty contact Ford Brothers, Inc.
Note: This is an absolute multi-parcel absolute auction, giving each and every prospective purchaser the ability to purchase any or all tracts or combination of tracts.<br>
Note: The purchaser of a single-family residence built before 1978 has a period of ten days to inspect the property for the presence of lead based paint. The inspection period isMay 28th through June 7th. The successful bidder must sign a waiver of the 10-day post-inspection period.<br>
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its as-is condition with no warranties expressed or implied.<br>
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter. <br>
For additional information or appointment to see the property contact Ford Brothers, Inc.