Friday, August 17that 5:30 p.m.
106 Medical Loop –Whitley City
Directions: Turn offHwy 27 in Whitley City onto Medical Loop Road (just before Burgess Drug). Proceed to the property on the right being 106 Medical Loop.
No longer having need for this property, we have been authorized to offer this house and lot at absolute auction.
This property located in a convenient yet private area features a wood siding homesituated on .81 of an acre. It featureslarge living room with gas fireplace, dining room, kitchen, office area, largemaster bedroom, two additional bedrooms, two full baths and a laundry room.
It also has a detached garage, large front porch, and a blacktop driveway.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: In need of a home convenient to Whitley City, this is the place!! Check out thisproperty and join us on the evening of August 17th at 5:30 p.m.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Maytag Washer * Maytag Dryer * GE refrigerator * 6x8 Rug * blueupholstered chair * Chair and ottoman * lamps * tv stand * roller cart * couch* coffee table * twin bed * various pots and pans * glassware * plus numerousother items.
TERMS: 20% down theday of the auction with the balance due in full within 30 days for the realestate. All personal property items mustbe for in full the evening of the auction. We will accept Cash, Check and VISA/Mastercard in full.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believedto be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for thebidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine theinformation contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is”condition with no warranties express or implied.
For additional information or appointment to see the property, contact the auctioneers at 606-679-2212.
Announcements made the day of the auction, take precedence over printed matter.