Absolute Auction of
Mrs. Elsie Shivel & The Late Charles Shivel’s
House & Lot & Personal Property
Saturday, August 27th, @ 10:00 A.M.
210 Perciful Street
Mt. Vernon, Ky. 40456
Reason for Sale: Mrs. Elsie Shivel has moved to a nursing home and her heirs has authorized our firm to sell the real estate and personal property at Absolute Auction.
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 461 & Richmond Street (By McDonald’s), follow Richmond Street 2/10 mile to High Street. Turn left onto High Street and proceed 1/10 mile to Perciful Street. Turn left onto Perciful Street and proceed to auction site, located on right. Watch for Auction Signs!
This brick home features a kitchen / dining room combination, living room, three bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths on the first floor and one bedroom, family room, utility room and unfinished storage room in the basement. Other amenities include: covered front porch, large rear covered deck, 1-car attached carport, heat pump, central air, drapes & blinds, concrete driveway, city water and city sewer, situated on a lot measuring 100 x 171.5 x 100 x 181.4.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Dining Table & 4 Chairs, Hutch, Whirlpool Range, Frigidaire Refrigerator, 3 Pc. Drop Leaf Coffee Table Set, Couch & Chair, Recliner / Rocker, Lift Chair, Sanyo TV, Upholstered Chair, Book Case, Gas Logs, 4 Pc. Maple Bedroom Suite (Bed, Two Night Stands & Dresser w/ Mirror), 3 Pc. Bedroom Suite (Bed, Dresser w/ Mirror & Chest of Drawers), Two Maple Twin Beds, Antique Chest of Drawers, Antique Dresser w/ Mirror, Estate Washer, Frigidaire Dryer, Ashley Wood Stove, Small Kenmore Chest Type Freezer, Wood Porch Swing, Wood Bench, Sanyo VCR, Misc. Chairs, Metal Desk & Chair, Two Drawer Filing Cabinet, Kerosene Heater, Wash Tub (On Rollers), Folding Table, Panasonic Microwave, Microwave Stand, Oil Lamp, Flower Arrangements, Pots & Pans, Granite Cooker, Large Granite Kettle, Misc. Granite Pieces, Dipper, Glasses, Plates, Cups, Assortment of Glassware, Presto Pressure Cooker, Rolling Pin, Lamps, Bowls, Kitchen Utensils, Linens, Two Concrete Flower Pots, Lawn Chairs, Coolers, Metal Shelf, Assortment of Hand Tools, & Much, Much More!
Terms: Real Estate: 20% down day of sale, balance due within 30 days.
Personal Property: Cash or good check in full day of sale.
Personal Property: Cash or good check in full day of sale.
Auctioneer’s Note: If you’re looking for personal property or a nice home in the "heart" of the city limits of Mt. Vernon or simply an investment opportunity, then be sure to mark your calendar to attend this Absolute Auction Saturday, August 27th, @ 10:00 A.M. Seldon can you have the opportunity to purchase such a home as this, in the heart of Mt. Vernon at your own price! Bid Last & Buy! Only At Auction!
NOTE: The purchaser of a single-family residence built before 1978 has a maximum of 10 days to inspect the property for the presence of lead based paint. The period for inspection begins August 17th, 2011 and ends August 26th, 2011. The successful bidder must sign a waiver of the 10-day post sale inspection period.
Real Estate: 20% down day of sale, balance due within 30 days.<br>
Personal Property: Cash or good check in full day of sale.
Personal Property: Cash or good check in full day of sale.