Absolute Auction of
Mr. & Mrs. Wilford Purcell’s
House, Barns & 19.42 Acres in Tracts
And Equipment
Saturday, April 14th at 10:30 a.m.
571 Dahl Elrod Road - Somerset
Directions: From Somerset take Hwy East Hwy 80 to Hwy 461 and turn left. Follow Hwy 461 to Dahl Elrod Road and turn right. Proceed approximately one mile to the auction. Auction signs are posted.
Mr. Purcell is trying to slow down his farming operation and therefore offered our firm to sell his property at absolute auction.
Tract #1 measures .95 acres and is improved with the pictured frame house with living room, kitchen, three bedrooms, and a full bath. It also has a partial basement, metal roof, central heat and air, and a carport. There are several nice shade trees on this tract.
Tract #2 consists of 5.83 acres and has been used for the production of corn, tobacco, etc. It is improved with a barn and is accessed by an easement.
Tract #3 is the largest of the tracts and contains 9.90 acres and has over 1,100 feet of road frontage. This tract would be an excellent site for running cattle as it has cattle handling facility and a creek for stock water. As mentioned, this tract has a 50’x60’ cattle handing facility and a combination barn. This is a great place to build a cabin.
Tract #4 has 3.11 acres and is improved with a 96’x44’ metal barn. This barn is great for hay or tobacco storage.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Life in the country…..building sites, farm sites, take your pick!! This property, when combined, has nearly 20 acres! Be prepared to bid and buy on the morning of April 14th at 10:30 a.m.
EQUIPMENT TO BE SOLD INCLUDES: Deutz-Allis Tractor Cab (4x4) 465 Front End Loader and Bucket * 640 New Holland Auto Wrap Baler * John Deere Wheel Disc * Cultivator * New Hollard 256 Hay Rake * New Idea 231 Corn Picker * New Holland 331 Manure Spreader * Post Drive shaver * Allis Chalmers 2 Row Sod Planter * Viacon 2400 Disc Mower * New Holland 353 Grinder mixer * 26 ft grain/hay elevator * 425 gallon water tank * Large 3 pt. hitch spray * 100 +/- round hay bales (stored in hay barn) * old metal wagon wheels * 2 hay wagons * gravity wagon * tobacco setter * tobacco sticks * 2 creep feeders* plus various other items.
TERMS: 20% down the day of the auction, with the balance due in full within 30 days for the real estate. The equipment items must be paid for in full the day of the auction. We will accept cash, check, or VISA/Mastercard on the personal property items.
NOTE: These will be multi-parcel absolute auction giving each and every prospective purchaser the ability to purchase any tract or combination of tracts.
NOTE: The purchaser of a single-family residence built before 1978 has a maximum of 10 days to inspect the property for the presence of lead based paint. The period for inspection begins April 3rdth through April 13th. The successful bidder must sign a waiver of the 10-day post sale inspection period.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its as-is condition with no warranties expressed or implied.
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter.
For additional information, plat copy or appointment to see the property, contact the auctioneers.
NOTE: These will be multi-parcel absolute auction giving each and every prospective purchaser the ability to purchase any tract or combination of tracts. <br>
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its as-is condition with no warranties expressed or implied.<br>
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter. <br>
For additional information, plat copy or appointment to see the property, contact the auctioneers.