Absolute Estate Auction
of the Late Mr. & Mrs. Owen Burton
60 Acre Farm More or Less
Equipment, Vehicle, Antiques & Personal Property
Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 10:30 a.m.
Willailla Road – Hwy 70
Directions: Take North Hwy 39 approximately 15 miles to the intersection of Hwy 70 and Hwy 39. Turn right onto Hwy 70 and proceed approximately 4 miles to the property (near the county line). Auction signs are posted.
The heirs of the late Mr. & Mrs. Burton have authorized our firm to offer this property and quality selection of antiques & personal property at absolute auction. Mr. & Mrs. Burton (Mr. Burton being a World War II Veteran), pillars in their community have attended our auctions for many years. We are honored to offer this farm and fine collection of antiques and personal items on behalf of their family.
Tract #1 measures 3.31 acres and front Hwy 70 over 400 ft. With the road frontage, a barn, pond and branch for stock water- this tract would be an excellent site for building.
Tract #2 consists of .86 acres and is improved with the pictured home featuring living room, lg. kitchen, two bedrooms, full bath and a utility room.
Tract #3 and Tract #4 measure 6.94 and 8.82 acre respectively. Tract #3 fronts Hwy 70 approximately 338 ft and Tract #4 fronts Hwy 70 more than 400 ft. Each of these tracts are excellent crop/pasture tracts and offer several ideal building sites.
Tract #5 fronts Hwy 70 approximately 860 ft and has 7.24 acres. This tract is partially cleared with the balance in woodland. This tract also offers several building sites.
Tract #6 and #7 are mostly cleared tracts consisting of 8.19 and 9.10 acres respectively. With road frontage along Hwy 70, these are two of those rarely found size tracts.
Tract #8 is a great field and measures 7.60 acres. This tract has frontage along John Brown Road.
Tract #9 fronts John Brown Road approximately 294 ft. and has 3.98 acres. This tract is another ideal building site.
Tract #10 has 3.02 acres and fronts Hwy 70 more than 550 ft. and John Brown Road more then 337 ft. A corner tract, this would make a perfect home site.
Tract #11 fronts Blue Jay Lane 272 ft. and contains 1.11 acres.
Vehicle: 1999 Buick Century – 6 cylinder with approximately 63,600 miles
Mobile Home: 1965 model mobile home (must be moved)
Equipment: 1962 Ford 601 Select-O-Speed Tractor * 5 ft Agricutter Bush Hog * New Holland Mowing machine * farm wagon * tobacco setter * hay rings * disc harrows * horse drawn mowing machine * horse drawn hay rake * farm sled/drag * iron wagon wheels * plow * various other pieces of horse drawn equipment * mule harness * tobacco sticks * de Laval milk tank * antique hand farm implements * milk cans * old logging implements * old cross cut saws * army type water cans * ammunition boxes * horse/mule hames *
Personal Property: Various collections of depression era glassware * bottle collection including coke glass bottles from various states * iron kettles * crocks * primitive small painted cabinet * primitive metal topped cabinet * primitive hand made dining table * 2000 GE range * Westinghouse Refrigerator * Commercial Freezer * Wind Tunnel Bagless Hoover vacuum cleaner * Kayson, Golden Rhapsody China (from gasoline purchases) * forest green sandwich glass * Royal ruby red, Anchor Hocking glass Corp. (62 pieces) * Sharon “Cabbage Rose” Federal glass Company (rose) * Miss America, Diamond Pattern, Hocking Glass Co, pink * ` Mayfair, Open Rose, Hocking Glass, Co. Pink * Iris, Iridescent, Jeanette Glass Co. * Holiday, Button and Bows, Jeannette Glass Co. Pink * Floragold, Louisa, Jeanette Glass Co., iridescent * Bybee, Mostly Blue on White Sponge * Multiple Glass, round butter dishes various patterns * 1960’s metal kitchen double sink with drain boards on each side * 1960’s metal was cabinets * hand crafted china cabinet * oak, laminate topped, kitchen island * 4 Maple bar stools with back * loveseat with hide-a-bed * dark green fabric loveseat * 1950’s era bedroom suite, double bed, dresser with bench, chest of drawers * oak spider leg antique side table * round side table * 1960’s era side table * antique walnut and marble top chest of drawers with mirror * metal clothes wardrobe * antique rocking chair * antique metal trunk * antique wooden bed * antique wall paper hangers folding tale * vintage metal/formica dining table * antique wood veneer dining table * vintage roll-a-way bed * 1950’s wooden baby bed * #13 ball jars * amber bottles * cobalt blue glasses * folding cot * several old chairs with woven bottoms * vintage metal kitchen shelf unit * plus numerous other items.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: When combined there is a total of 60 acres +/-. This farm has awesome fencing, a number of great building sites, a house, a barn and is a one of a kind farm!!! Do not miss this all day event on October 4th at 10:30 a.m.
Terms: Real Estate: 20% down the day of the auction with the balance due in full within 30 days. Equipment, Vehicle & Personal Property: Cash, check, Visa or Mastercard in full the day of the auction. A 3% processing fee (minimum of $3.00) applies to all credit charges.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is” condition with no warranties express or implied.
For additional information contact the auctioneers at 606-679-2212.
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter.
AUCTIONEER/BROKER/SELLER DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The property is selling in its “as-is” condition with no warranties express or implied. <br>
For additional information contact the auctioneers at 606-679-2212.<br>
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter.