"Doubleheader" Absolute Auction Of
Ms. Edith Hoskins'
Farm # 1 - 67.03 Acres M/L & Farm Machinery
Saturday, September 12th @ 10:00 A.M.
Walnut Flat Creek Road - Stanford, Ky.
Farm # 2 - 189.793 Acres M/L In Tracts
Saturday, September 12th @ 1:00 P.M.
Hwy 1770 - Stanford, Ky.
Farm # 1
67.03 Acres By Survey & Farm Machinery - Saturday, September 12th @ 10:00 A.M.
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 150 & Hwy 27 in Stanford, follow Hwy 150 2.4 miles to Ky 1770. Turn right onto Ky 1770 & proceed 8/10 mile to Ky 1770 & Ky 3177. Continue straight on Ky 3177 for approximately 1 1/2 miles to Walnut Flat Creek Road. Turn right onto Walnut Flat Creek Road & proceed 2/10 mile to the auction site, located on the right. Watch For Auction Signs!
This tract consists of 67.03 acres by survey and has road frontage along Walnut Flat Creek Road. It is mostly cleared land and level to gently rolling with Beautiful Views! It is only 1 1/2 miles from Cedar Creek Lake. City water is available.
Farm Equipment That Will Be Selling Include: 784 IH Tractor, 5000 Ford Tractor, 165 Massey Ferguson, 1210 Case (parts only), 140 Farmall Tractor w/ cultivators & side dresser (not running), 3-Bale Tobacco Press / Baler w/ air cylinder, 855 New Holland Roll Baler, New Holland Manure Spreader, 2315 15ft Bush Hog, 307 Bush Hog (no pto shaft), 258 New Holland Rake, CM 2400 Vicon Disc Mower, Herd M-96 Seeder, Baltic Fertilize / Seed Spreader, 8 x 16 Two Axle Trailer, 10 Ft. Cultipacker, Ford Sickle Mower, 6 Ft. Pull Type Bush Hog (parts only), Two Row Corn Planter, John Deere Plow, 16 Ft. Wagon, 18 Ft. Wagon, Fuel Tank, Hay Rings, 1000 Gal. Metal Water Tank, 100 Gal. Fuel Tank, New Holland Tobacco Setter, Portable Loading Chute, Two Head Catchers, Old Wagon Running Gears, Air Compressor, High Lift Hay Spear, 7 x 10 Farm Trailer, 8 Ft. Grader Box, Hay Spear, Slide Under Hay Mover, Pipe Drag, Tobacco Sticks and More!
Farm # 2
189.793 Acres in Three Tracts & Approximately 158 Rolls Of Hay- Saturday, September 12th @ 1:00 P.M.
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 150 & Hwy 27 in Stanford, follow Hwy 150 2.4 miles to Ky 1770. Turn right onto Ky 1770 & proceed 8/10 mile to Ky 1770 & Ky 3177. Turn right onto Ky 1770 & proceed 3 miles to auction site, located on the left. Watch For Auction Signs!
Tract # 1 - This tract contains 76.89 by survey and has blacktop road frontage along Ky 1770. This tract is gently rolling to rolling and joins a creek. It is mostly pastureland with a few woods, numerous walnut trees and 2 ponds.
Tract # 2 - This tract consists of 47.060 acres by survey and has blacktop road frontage along Ky 1770. It is mostly pastureland with a few woods, numerous walnut trees and a pond. The tract is gently rolling to rolling.
Tract # 3 - This tract contains 65.843 acres by survey and has blacktop road frontage along Ky 1770. It is improved with a 36 x 84 barn and a pond. This tract is mostly pastureland and is level to gently rolling.
Note: When combined, there is a total of 189.793 acres. This would make an ideal cattle farm.
Terms: Real Estate: 20% down day of sale, balance due in 30 days. Farm Machinery: Must be paid in full, cash or good check day of sale.
Auctioneer's Note: If you're looking for a cattle farm, a place to build your dream home with plenty of elbow room, an investment opportunity or looking for farm machinery or rolls of hay, then be sure to mark your calendar to attend this Absolute Auction Saturday, September 12th @ 10:00 A.M. & 1:00 P.M. Seldom will you have the opportunity to buy this type of farm at your own price!
NOTE: This will be a multi-parcel absolute auction, giving each and every prospective purchaser the ability to purchase any or all tracts or combination of tracts.
Auctioneer/Broker/Seller Disclaimer: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of the auctioneer’s knowledge. The information is being provided for the bidder’s convenience and it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the information contained herein is accurate and complete. The properties are selling in their ‘as-is’ condition with no warranties expressed or implied.
Announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over printed matter.